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International Law

International Law (23)


"The new amendment to the Extradition Act by the addition of Section 6A to Section 9(6) has squarely placed the burden of proving the identity of the person sought to be extradited on the requesting authority.


"I agree with the Appellant's Counsel that the purpose of the hearing in the trial Court upon the application of the Attorney-General is not for the trial of the fugitive criminal.


"Generally, all cases and matters before the Courts in Nigeria are either civil or criminal.


"As stated earlier, before the Court can grant the surrender order of a citizen of its country or a fugitive expatriate, the applicant in this case, the AGF is expected to establish by prima facie evidence:


"Extradition is a cooperative legal process of one state called the surrendering state or authority which surrenders an individual to another state called the requesting state for prosecution or punishment for crimes committed within the requesting country's jurisdiction.

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