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Nature of an admission and whether it is admissible as evidence against the maker as the truth of the fact asserted in the statement

"In Adeyemi Ogunnaike v. Taiwo Ojayemi (1987) 3 SC 213 at 247, this Court per Kawu, JSC held: "Now an admission is a statement, oral or written (expressed or implied) which is made by a party to civil proceedings and which statement is adverse to his case. It is admissible as evidence against the maker as the truth of the fact asserted in the statement. See Seismograph Service s Nig. Ltd. v. Chief Keke Ogbenegweke Eyuafe (1976) 9 & 10 SC 135 at 146." MR. KWASI KARIKARI ADUSEI & ANOR. V. MR. TOYIN ADEBAYO(2012) LPELR-7844(SC) Per NGWUTA, J.S.C. (P. 17, paras. A-C) 

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