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Whether an admission made do not require further prove

"On admissions, this Court held: "Another principle deeply enshrined in our jurisprudence is that admissions made do not require to be proved for the simple reason, among others that 'out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh' and that no better proof is required than that which an adversary wholly and voluntarily owns up." See Chief Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu v. Dr. Edwin Onwudiwe & Ors (1984) 2 SC 15 at 38 per Aniagolu, JSC." MR. KWASI KARIKARI ADUSEI & ANOR. V. MR. TOYIN ADEBAYO(2012) LPELR-7844(SC)Per NGWUTA, J.S.C. (Pp. 16-17, paras. F-A) 

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